National Day of the Girl meets digital building automation

Young women and high-tech – it’s been a winning combination at Kieback&Peter for decades now. But we’d like to get even more girls and young women excited about studying for a career in a technical trade, which is why our internationally active and family-operated company once again took part in the National Day of the Girl on April 28, 2022.
Ten girls, ages 11 to 15, participated in the event – one of them a student at the Heinrich Mann School in Berlin, with which we have a cooperative partnership. Over the course of the day at our headquarters, they learned a lot of exciting information about what it’s like to have a career in building automation, digital technology, sustainability, and climate protection. In fact, the motto for this year’s day of initiative was “Digitalization and Sustainability” – a perfect fit for us as an industry leader in the digital building automation segment.
Enthusiasm about careers in technology
What gets young women excited about pursuing careers in technical fields? Directing their curiosity to the fascinating possibilities of digital technologies – especially with regard to individuals’ personal contributions to climate protection. Our trainee supervisor, Saskia Krüger, moderated the Day of the Girl and accompanied the girls over the course of the exciting day. Following a round of introductions, CEO Christoph Ritzkat introduced the technology company and its success over the past hundred years, emphasizing that Kieback&Peter prioritizes gender neutrality and is delighted to award apprenticeships in technical professions to talented female applicants.
Tillmann’s Technology Challenge
The participants received a live demonstration of what building automation is capable of from our expert system technician Tillmann Minow. They also learned that many shopping malls, schools, airports, and hospitals use Kieback&Peter’s smart digital technology to ensure a comfortable atmosphere. There was also a small challenge for fun: Each participant had the chance to connect a temperature sensor to two conductors and then explore the effects of heat exposure through friction and cold exposure through ice spray on the current flow using measurement technology. The girls demonstrated real talent and were eager to try out the technology.
A first-hand experience of everyday work and training at Kieback&Peter
Our trainees Lea Paust, electronics technician for automation technology, and Evelyn Lindner, IT specialist for application development, shared their own experiences of the professional fields in which young women can train at Kieback&Peter and later pursue a career. They gave insights into their professional practice and what it’s like to work in a technical profession.
Customer experience designer Luisa Brandt provided the girls with an explanation of the topics of digitalization of buildings and Internet of Things (IoT). Luisa used the example of the Kieback&Peter Qanteon – the “brain” of a smart building – and the associated smartphone app to teach the girls about digital measurement and control technology in a playful way.
Director of Communication Regina Del Prete received an enthusiastic response to her talk on how Kieback&Peter tangibly contributes to sustainability, climate and health protection, safety, education, and culture through its solutions and services. After a lunch break, Saskia Krüger was on hand to give the girls information about where to find the training and internship positions on offer and what Kieback&Peter looks for when selecting trainees.
Video: Day of the Girl at Kieback&Peter in Berlin
Day of the Girl at Kieback&Peter in Berlin – ten girls had a fun chance to learn what exciting opportunities vocational training in technical fields offers young women in particular.