en:solutions – the flexible range of solutions for better climate and health protection

The smart building solutioneer Kieback&Peter has been connecting buildings and their business processes to form a smart complete system since 1927. This is the key to the sustainable, safe and economical operation of future-proof smart buildings.

To this end, the experienced building automation experts integrate tailor-made digital modules into their building technology systems. These then automatically ensure continually maximized energy efficiency and optimum health protection with a minimal carbon footprint. The main technical modules for doing so are the specialized control tools from en:solutions – digital sustainability technology for measurable savings effects.

Gregor Molwitz ist Manager für Energieeffizienz bei Kieback&Peter

Our solutions are more than just tried and tested; they also have the flexibility to be integrated into both
existing and new automation.

Gregor Molwitz, Energy Efficiency Solutions Market Manager

Reliably achieve sustainability targets with proven solutions

en:solutions incorporates a range of practical and proven control hardware and software for all types of buildings. Each solution module is optimized for a specific area of application and delivers concrete added value for the energy balance and carbon footprint of a building or entire property portfolio.

Kieback&Peter is continually expanding the range of en:solutions, which currently includes the self-learning individual room control en:key, the smart system  orchestration en:hybrid, the predictive building control system en:predict and the demand-based ventilation control system en:air. The “en:” that features in all these names represents the highest level of en:energy efficiency.


en:solutions is all about achieving maximum energy efficiency in buildings through proven hardware and software.

Efficiency gains that pay for themselves in just a short time

One particular feature of the en:solutions range is that every module can be flexibly integrated into both existing and new building automation systems. This modular principle means that it is also possible to gradually equip a building for the future through targeted improvements in efficiency, comfort and safety and therefore, for example, to achieve predefined savings targets in a methodical way. Each one of the solution modules has the potential to deliver high savings effects in day-to-day building operation. A further advantage is that it is generally relatively simple and requires only a small investment to integrate any of the en:solutions modules. It is possible for the systems to pay for themselves in less than two years from their integration.

This ensures climate protection makes real sense – including for Controlling.  With the unique en:solutions, investors, owners and operators can reliably meet pressing challenges such as climate protection, decarbonization, urbanization, digitalization and sustainability with smart technical measures and thus preserve the value of their properties – and of course minimize costs.


en:solutions offers rapid gains in efficiency that pay off in less than two years and help to both protect the climate and maintain the value of your properties.

Gregor Molwitz ist Manager für Energieeffizienz bei Kieback&Peter

Questions about energy efficiency?

Gregor Molwitz
Manager Energy Efficiency

Kieback&Peter GmbH & Co. KG
Tempelhofer Weg 50
12347 Berlin

+49 30 60095-271

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