Smart buildings are made up of smart rooms, in which en:key independently and permanently ensures optimum energy efficiency and maximum comfort. en:key is an intelligent individual room control system for controlling heating. The self-learning algorithms of the digital system regulate the selected comfort temperature as required.
To do so, en:key “learns” the usage patterns independently and after just a short period “knows”, for example, that after the weekend a conference room will not be used until 11 am on Monday at the earliest. en:key can also be used very flexibly, however, and is suitable for all buildings with changing and variable room occupancy.
The self-learning individual room control is energy self-sufficient and maintenance-free
en:key learns the user behavior independently and creates digital user profiles as the basis for its control actions. In comfort mode,en:key independently maintains the selected indoor climate. In economy mode, en:key automatically conserves resources and lowers the room temperature when the room is not in use.
Additional benefits of en:key include the fact that the smart room controllers do not require any wiring, connection to the power supply or batteries, as they supply their own energy, thereby minimizing maintenance work. Moreover, the installation takes less than 15 minutes per room, ensuring that productive operation is barely effected.
en:key is an intelligent individual room control system that autonomously learns usage behavior and optimizes room temperatures for comfort and efficiency. It is energy self-sufficient and maintenance-free.
en:key - Benefits at a glance
- Installation with minimal manual intervention thanks to its precise fit with all common connections
- No electrical connection, no batteries
- No cables, no need to penetrate the building structure
First automatic and self-learning system on the market
No expensive user programming required
en:key detects usage patterns (work, vacation, etc.) and adapts accordingly
ISO-certified radio technology (for use in hospitals, for example)
Open standard – possibility of adding further applications
- Components continuously supply themselves with energy from the environment
- Indoor photovoltaic element with backup battery in the profiler
- Innovative thermal generator (Peltier element) in the valve controller
- Reduces the demand for fuel-based primary energy by reducing the demand for final energy
- Long-term reduction of up to 20 % in economy mode
- Comfort temperature is proactively established and maintained
- Additional benefits from detecting open windows, frost protection and lowering mold formation