We will be supporting the tab Expert Forum with expert talks and a trade fair booth in February 2018. This year’s motto for the annual series of events held by Bauverlag and VDMA Fachverband AMG is the “Future of Building Automation”. The events give building services planners, facility managers and system integrators the opportunity to exchange ideas about the latest industry trends and their opportunities and risks directly with solution providers and consultants.
Virtualization and digitization
Our experts will also be contributing to the success of the event with a trade fair booth and exciting presentations: “Wenn aus Frequenzrauschen Null und Eins wird: Herausforderungen und Lösungsoptionen der Digitalisierung und Virtualisierung von Gebäuden” (“When frequency noise becomes zero and one: Challenges and potential solutions for building digitization and virtualization”) Under this title, Celil Genç (Head of Department, Smart Building Technologies) and Nico Langenkämper (Head of System Integration) will provide interesting insights into the theory and practice of modern building automation. They will present impressive projects from the fields of system integration, migration and virtualization and demonstrate solutions for typical application scenarios. The personal discussion among experts will quickly reveal the opportunities and measurable benefits that Kieback&Peter brings to individual cases. You can find more information about the event here.
The dates and event locations:
- February 15, 2018 | Gastwerk Hotel, Hamburg, Germany
- February 20, 2018 | Lighthouse, Essen, Germany
- February 21, 2018 | Schloss Montabaur, Germany
- February 27, 2018 | municon, Munich, Germany
We wish to invite all our customers and partners to attend!